Ensuring workplace safety and employee well-being is critical to the success of any company. According to OSHA statistics, the proper use of PPE can prevent 37.6% of workplace injuries and diseases. 12%–14% of occupational injuries resulting in total disability are caused by workers not using recommended PPE. Therefore, ensuring correct use of PPE is critical, especially for businesses where employees are frequently exposed to potentially hazardous conditions. Safesense monitors the use of PPE in pre-selected target areas on work-sites at all times, detecting personnel with missing equipment in real-time and generating notifications for safety officials, which reduces the risk of workplace injuries and fatalities, significantly. Dashboard and analytics capabilities allow user to generate reports and gather statistics on the safety level of different target sites over time.
Our technology allows monitoring of multiple sites where sensitivity parameters and target equipment for detection can be configured individually for each site (e.g. based on risk level)
Wide range of safety equipment is supported, including hard hats, vests, gloves, goggles, steel toe shoes, masks, ear muffs etc.
Data from all sites is gathered and a comprehensive view of the overall safety level is provided to the user. Alerts are generated when worker with missing PPE is detected. Statistics regarding missing PPE are shown on this virtual safety center dashboard. Drill down to site-level views is possible.
On-premises solutions ensure compliance with GDPR.
Email us at info@oculnet.com for more details